So over Halo 3. COD4 is where it’s at.

So over Halo 3. COD4 is where it’s at.

David can’t get enough of Call of Duty 4.  I have to admit, it is quite compelling.  The campaign is fun, but I found playing multiplayer online was extremely difficult.  You get killed almost instantly!  I kept at it and I’m finally at the point where I’m doing well and really enjoying it.  I really like the team work aspect of Search and Destroy.  Nothing beats hearing “Comrade, you’re the last one. Complete the objective!” and actually managing to kill the last two opponents or detonating the bomb while David, who is playing along with me from upstairs, watches and encourages me through our chat session yelling YEAH!!! when I manage to win the game for our team.  Doesn’t happen very often but when it does….sweet!

I read an interview with somebody involved with the game and he made two points I found very interesting. First, they took a great deal of time making sure that there were no completely “safe” spots where you could camp through the whole game.  Virtually every “good” spot has another spot from which you could get shot!
The other point was that they wanted the game to be fair for a newbie when they found themselves up against an experienced player.  They felt if you had the “jump” on a guy, you should be able to win that fire-fight. And even though more experienced players may have better equipment it shouldn’t give them TOO big of an advantage.  That’s why the almost-instant kills in COD4 can make for a better online experience than Halo 3 which due to the shields, allows a better player to turn things around and easily overtake a novice that started out with the advantage.

Prestige Modes Icons (Thanks Pavel)


Points needed to rank and unlock weapons and perks.

RANK (number/rank title/xp required)

1 Private First Class 0
2 Private First Class I 30
3 Private First Class II 120
4 Lance Corporal 270
5 Lance Corporal I 480
6 Lance Corporal II 750
7 Corporal 1080
8 Corporal I 1470
9 Corporal II 1920
10 Sergeant 2430
11 Sergeant I 3000
12 Sergeant II 3650
13 Staff Sergeant 4380
14 Staff Sergeant I 5190
15 Staff Sergeant II 6080
16 Gunnery Sergeant 7050
17 Gunnery Sergeant I 8100
18 Gunnery Sergeant II 9230
19 Master Sergeant 10440
20 Master Sergeant I 11730
21 Master Sergeant II 13100
22 Master Gunnery Sergeant 14550
23 Master Gunnery Sergeant I 16080
24 Master Gunnery Sergeant II 17690
25 2nd Lieutenant 19380
26 2nd Lieutenant I 21150
27 2nd Lieutenant II 23000
28 1st Lieutenant 24930
29 1st Lieutenant I 26940
30 1st Lieutenant II 29030
31 Captain 31240
32 Captain I 33570
33 Captain II 36020
34 Major 38590
35 Major I 41280
36 Major II 44090
37 Lt. Colonel 47020
38 Lt. Colonel 50070
39 Lt. Colonel II 53240
40 Colonel 56530
41 Colonel I 59940
42 Colonel II 63470
43 Brigadier General 67120
44 Brigadier General I 70890
45 Brigadier General II 74780
46 Major General 78790
47 Major General I 82920
48 Major General II 87170
49 Lieutenant General 91540
50 Lieutenant General I 96030
51 Lieutenant General II 100640
52 General 105370
53 General I 110220
54 General II 115190
55 Commander 120280

UNLOCKABLES (Unlockable/Rank #)


Demolitions Class 2
Sniper Class 3
Create-A-Class 4
Challenges 5
Clan Tag 12
Prestige Mode 55


M9 0
M1911 .45 16
USP .45 0
Desert Eagle 43
Golden Desert Eagle 55


Mini Uzi 13
MP5 1
Skorpion 4
AK74u 28
P90 40


M60E4 19
M249 SAW 1


W1200 2
M1014 31

Assault Rifles

AK 47 4
M4 Carbine 10
G3 25
M16A4 1
G36c 37
M14 46
MP44 52

Sniper Rifles

SVD 22
M21 8
M40A3 3
Barrett .50cal 49
R700 34

Perk 1

C-4 x2 1
Special Grenade x3 1
RPG-7 x2 2
Claymore x2 23
Frag x3 41
Bandolier 32
Bomb Squad 14

Perk 2

Stopping Power 1
Juggernaut 1
Sleight of Hand 20
Double Tap 29
Overkill 38
UAV Jammer 11
Sonic Boom 1

Perk 3

Extreme Conditioning 1
Steady Aim 1
Last Stand 8
Martydom 17
Deep Impact 1
Iron Lungs 26
Dead Silence 44
Eavesdrop 35

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