The Black Donnellys
Best show on TV that got cancelled. Watch the entire first season on Netflix!
Dog For Sale
I don’t always eat breakfast but when I do
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Accolades
Unstoppable: Longest killstreak
Sharpshooter: Most headshots
Wingman: Most assists
Devastation: Highest multikill
Clutch Player: Match Winning Kill
The Feared: Most kills
MVP: Most kills/Fewest deaths
Overkill: Most kills/Most headshots
Steamroller: Most kills/Longest killstreak
The Show: 10 kills/No deaths
Supernatural: Kill/Death ratio over 10
Decimator: Killed entire enemy team without dying
Immortal: Highest kill/death ratio
Juggernaut: Fewest deaths
Pathfinder Most UAVs
Top Gun: Most airstrikes
Air Ops: Most helicopters
Flanker: Most kills from behind
Blindfire: Most bullet penetration kills
Vengeful: Most paybacks
Avenger: Most avenger kills
Rescuer: Most rescues
Marksman: Most longshots
Upriser: Most kills of higher rank
Revenge: Most last stand kills
Executioner: Most execution kills
Genocidal: Most multikills
Rally: Most comebacks
Lifer: Longest life
Statuesque: Most stationary kills
Lights Out: Most tactical insertions prevented
Shell Shocked: Most explosions survived
Unbreakable: Most bullets deflected
Blinder: Most flashbang hits
Stunner: Most stun grenade kills
Hot Potato: Most grenades thrown back
None Spared: Killed entire enemy team
6th Sense: No deaths from behind
Switchblade: Most knife kills
Hard Boiled: Most pistol kills
Grenadier: Most grenade kills
Fragger: Most frag grenade kills
C4 Killer: Most C4 kills
Semtex Pro: Most semtex kills
Ambusher: Most claymore kills
Butcher: Most throwing knife kills
CQB: Most SMG kills
AR Specialist: Most assault rifle kills
Explosivo: Most rocket kills
Buckshot: Most shotgun kills
7.62MM: Most LMG kills
Sniper: Most sniper kills
Smoking Gun: Most pistol headshots
SMG Expert: Most SMG headshots
AR Expert: Most assault rifle headshots
Boomstick: Most shotgun headshots
LMG Expert: Most LMG headshots
Dead Aim: Most sniper headshots
Survivalist: Most equipment kills
Magnifier: Most scoped kills
White Hot: Most thermal kills
Exterminator: Most thumper kills
Crowd Control: Most riot shield kills
Hairtrigger: Most ADS kills (Aiming Down Sights)
Sprayer: Most hipfire kills
Alpha Male: Most kills of lower rank
Loaner: Most kills with enemy weapons
Nomad: Longest distance traveled
Runner: Most time spent sprinting
Sneaker: Most time spent crouched
Grassy Knoll: Most time spent prone
Spy Game: Most time watching killcams
Lock & Load: Most reloads
Weapon Rack: Most weapon swaps
Trigger Happy: Most shots fired
Lockdown: Most time spent in one place
High Command: Highest average altitude
Low Profile: Lowest average altitude
Nearsighted: Most friendlies shot
Grudge Match: Most kills of same player
Arsenal: Most weapons used
Undercover: Most time near enemies
Evolver: Most classes changed
Starter: Most killcams skipped
Participant: No kills/At least 1 death
Accident prone: Most suicides
Blindsided: Most deaths from behind
Clay Pigeon: Most deaths by shotgun
Terminal: Shortest life
Deathrow: Longest deathstreak
Hijacker: Most stolen kills
AFK: No kills/No deaths
Protester: Most deaths by riot shield
Warming Up: Just getting started PLUS the warming up accolade is for getting no other accolades in a private match, so you have to play a full length match in a private match and get no other accolades while doing it.
Bomb Expert: Most bombs planted
Defuser: Most bombs defused
Destroyer: Most targets destroyed
Bomb Blocker: Most bomb carrier kills
Bomb Threat: Most kills as a bomb carrier
Bomb Runner: Most bombs carried
Dominator: Most points captured
HQ Capturer: Most HQs captured
HQ Destroyer: Most HQs destroyed
Flag Capturer: Most flags captured
Flag Returner: Most flags returned
Flag Runner: Most flags carried
Flag Blocker: Most flag carrier kills
Double Threat: Most kills as flag carrier
Home Videos on your TV
I posted before my goal of having all my home videos available for viewing on my HDTV in the living room. The XBOX hasn’t quite delivered. Lo and behold I recently gave my PS3 another try and it does circles around the XBOX! I can view all my MPEG2 video using the free TVersity Media Server application running on my PC. I can now get rid of all the lower quality .MP4 files I created for the XBOX. Maybe the XBOX will one day be updated to allow it to stream the same MPEG2 files; or perhaps it would work today if I knew how to set it up better. I wonder if the iPad with iTunes running on my PC will be able to stream my video; if it can it will probably be limited to what formats it will stream (QuickTime).
I ran into the following error message on the PS3 while trying to connect to TVersity:
Media Server Error: DLNA Protocol Error (501) has occurred.
This thread lead me to this solution on the TVersity site.
Recovering GamerTag on a new XBOX
We just got back our XBOX that was freezing up. Turns out Microsoft was willing to fix it free of charge because it was a Core system. This system has already been sent in for the red ring of death.
This first Core XBOX I bought used, was a huge bundle. It came with a hard drive, wireless adapter, driving wheel, a custom Gears of War metal carrying case, lots of games, controllers, wireless headset, charging units, Memory Unit.
Microsoft sent a replacement unit which has a new Serial #. On boot up I had to answer some first-time questions as a brand new system. I didn’t have any problem with my XBOX live profiles (FrostySlam and SuperSlam2) because I keep those on MUs so David and I can play on either one of our two systems. If I had kept our XBOX live profiles on the hard drive, it would have been another story.
Tonight a friend called because he had just gotten back HIS XBox from the Microsoft repair center, but after connecting his Hard Drive his XBOX Live gamertag was missing. I suggested he needed to recover the gamertag. I researched a bit and found out why he had to do this.
When you download content, the content is registered to the gamertag that downloaded as well as to the XBOX that it was downloaded on. That means ANYONE can use the content on that XBOX, like extra map-packs to Call of Duty or Arcade games (without having to connect to XBOX Live). In addition, you can re-download and use that content on any other XBOX as long as you are logged in using the gamertag that downloaded the content. That works out great for us because an extra purchase can be used by both David and I as long as we download on one XBOX, then take the gamertag to the other and download and use it there.
In addition, it seems that the gamertag is also somehow tied to the xbox on which it was purchased. So simply replacing the hard drive isn’t going to allow the gamertag to be active on that xbox, hence the need to recover a gamertag on a new xbox even though you connect the hard drive that had the gamertag stored on it.
My friend, having the worst luck, ran into one more problem as he was recovering his gamertag on the new XBOX. He got the message “cannot find a storage device or not enough space to recover game tag”. He needed to go Settings…Memory…Gamer Profiles and delete his XBox live gamertag (it showed up THERE) because it was apprently corrupt. That allowed him to recover his gamertag again.
Blonde Joke #1
“Let’s put all the Corn Flakes back in the box..”
KLUX for Elevator Music
I don’t expect to get many takers on this but even though this will place an old fogie label on me, I’m secure enough in my music tastes to write that there is a time and place for even Elevator Music (besides the elevator). Sometimes I just get tired of other genres. Playing music at work, it’s easy to overplay the same tunes. I actually discovered this station when we were staying at a Condo in Port Aransas. The calming tunes just seemed to fit our laid back vacation and we kept it on this station most of the trip. The KLUX website is here which contains several streaming links.
This is a Catholic station so you will get religious service announcements. You’ve been warned.
There may be other similar stations but I don’t know any, feel free to recommend others that would be worthy replacements.
Update: Someone pointed out that those are an unfortunate set of call letters. True enough but I discovered things could be worse.
Watching movies in Windows Media Center
I’ve transferred some of my movies to an external hard drive to make it more convenient to browse, select and watch a movie. Windows Media Center makes it easy to select and play movies stored on disk. First you will need to enable My DVDs by editing a registry setting. Details are found in this post. It will instruct you to edit the following key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Settings\DvdSettings].
and change “ShowGallery”=”Play” to “ShowGallery”=”Gallery”
You will next want to select folders to monitor for movies. It turns out that the settings for My Videos are used to locate DVDs on disk as well. Navigate to the My Videos Screen, then hit <Ctrl><D> or right click or hit the Info button on the Windows Media remote. Select Add Videos from the popup menu. You will be able to add or remove folders.
WMC doesn’t show you artwork for your movies so you will have to manually provide an image to use in the main My DVDs screen. I get all my artwork from CD Covers. You will need to name the image folder.jpg and place it in the folder where your ripped movie is stored (the folder CONTAINING the VIDEO_TS folder). Not the easiest process to go through but once you’ve done it you have a nice free catalog for your movies.