Martha Kleymeyer
You broke the mold for Aunts. Your family, especially all your nephews and nieces will remember you fondly and miss you tremendously!

Evansville, Indiana
Martha Ruth Kleymeyer, 92, passed away peacefully on November 21, 2017 in Austin, Texas. Her final days and months were spent surrounded by her sister, nieces, nephews and friends.Martha (Marty to friends) was born in Evansville, Ind. She earned a BA in Sociology from Mac Murray College, in Illinois, and did her graduate work at the University of Michigan.After college, Martha’s love of travel and adventure lured her to Houston, Texas, where she lived for over 50 years. There, she applied her degrees and her love of helping those who find hardship in helping themselves while working with the Girl Scouts, YMCA, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society.Family was always the most important part of Martha’s life. She was the first member of her immediate family to permanently move to Texas in the 1950s. Martha’s brothers and sister followed her to Texas in the 60s, where all four siblings and all eight of Martha’s nieces and nephews eventually resided in Austin together.
Martha is survived by her sister, Susan Kleymeyer Rutan; and her nieces and nephews, Marcia Rutan Bulsara, James William Rutan, Lilia Kleymeyer Johnstone, Richard Alan Kleymeyer Jr., Brent Matthew Rutan, Cynthia Kleymeyer Maxwell, Amy Kleymeyer Ramos and Kerry Kleymeyer Riedel; as well as many grand-nieces and nephews; and first cousins Cliff, Chuck and Bob Kleymeyer and Bob Burk.
She was preceded in death by her mother and father, Ralph T. Kleymeyer Sr. and Mildred Seitz Kleymeyer; and her brothers, Ralph T. Kleymeyer, Jr. (Ted) and Richard Alan Kleymeyer Sr.
Most of all, Martha will be remembered by her family as the quintessential aunt. There was rarely a significant event that she missed. Martha was always there to lend an ear and offered any support she was able to provide. She made it a point to spend one-on-one time with each young descendent as they grew, and made each one feel they were special and loved.
Martha will be interred in Evansville, Ind., at her family plot on a date to be determined. Her family would like to express their gratitude to Hospice and the many caregivers at Brookdale Westlake Hills. Any memorial gifts can be directed to Hospice at Brookdale or M.D. Anderson Hospital, of which Martha was a dedicated contributor.
From the Nieces and Nephews
Marcia wrote:
Your guidance over the years has done much to shape the person I have become. You fostered a love of learning through a combination of educational tools and providing opportunities for real life experiences. Traveling to Houston to visit you by bus was one of many formative events.
Your arms have always been open wide to our motley crew. You are a constant for all of us and the reliable chronicler of family events. Thank you, Aunt Martha, for the example you have set and the lessons you have instilled
From Jim:
You have been a Magnet: I can’t even imagine where we would all be living now. Although we’re spreading out more and more as we grow in numbers, Texas has been a home base for generations of us now because you drew us there.
You have been a Conductor: This ever widening family is an orchestra of many unique instruments. Every section has a leader, but it takes it takes one person with a special understanding to bring out best of everyone. We perform a great symphony when you direct us.
You have been a Teacher: Through example and extreme generosity, you have encouraged us to read, question, broaden our horizons, always be curious, and be understanding and helpful to people who are not as fortunate as us.
Love from Lily
Aunt Martha you have been a constant, positive, loving, and generous force in my life. I have always appreciated your advice, interest and support for me and mine. A small example of your loving support was when you flew to Phoenix after I finished grad school to accompany me on my drive back to Austin. What an adventure that turned out to be!
I commend you on how, through your love and dedication, you continue to stay in touch with all the family. You are still the ‘go to’ person for family news.
From Kit
When I arrived in Austin with Lily in 2010 the memory that comes first is your warm greeting and keen interest in learning about me as an individual – not just as Lily’s husband. It was refreshing to talk about my experiences and my opinions and perceptions of the USA, Texas and the world. You put me at ease with your grace and charm and made a “foreigner” feel welcome.
And Alan wrote
No Kleymeyer get together would be the same without you.
I have always appreciated the interest in my life and my family’s life.
Love, Alan
From Jane
I have always felt blessed to be a part of the Kleymeyer family, and feel especially lucky to have such a wonderful Aunt! I love hearing stories of your youth and all of the things you did when you were young! Thank you for being such a loving Aunt and Great Aunt to us all!
Brent and Leticia wrote
You have always been a valued and trusted advisor in addition to a cherished and loved part of our family. I have always enjoyed our discussions on philosophical matters and look back on the challenges you have given us to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly. You make us think and have had an impact on all of our lives as a result.
At the same time, you have always encouraged all of us to give of ourselves and our resources, which is a legacy that will endure past this generation.
From Cindy
Thank you for always believing in me.
You gave me such great advice and support. Russell and I love you very much.
Amy’s message
Dear Aunt Martha – You have always been such an important part of our lives. You have always shown a genuine interest in our lives & the lives of our children. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful aunt.
From Kerry and Klaus
My wonderful Aunt Martha. My memories of my Dad’s “older” sister include you looking so young and beautiful riding a horse and seeing pictures of you playing with Alan and Lily on the beach in Galveston. You always had such a genuine and sincere interest in all of our lives and our children’s lives. I love you very much! Kerry
Aunt Martha, the matriarch of our family! I love you and love that you have always been so interested in our lives and how we are doing.