Why did I leave TypePad?
Here is what I provided to Six Apart during the survey I filled out explaining why I left:
It was too easy to setup WordPress on my personal hosted domain at no extra charge. WordPress has features that I felt should have been included with my TypePad Plus account at no extra charge. For example, the ability to syndicate each category feed. When I read what was necessary to get this to work if I DID have a Pro account I couldn’t believe how unfriendly it was. In addition, I prefer that my blog live on my site. I don’t feel comfortable having it on the TypePad site. TypePad’s support for backup and archival are unacceptible in my opinion. Ironically, it was the announcement email from Six Apart informing me I could pull my posts into Facebook, that started me down the path of cancellation. I could not specify the single category feed which I wanted to pull into Facebook. Finally, when I contacted TypePad about my dissatisfaction with the service, the response I got was not satisfying. It’s been great. Good Luck, it was time for me to move on.
Other things I like about WordPress:
- I like how WordPress displays Quoted text
- When logged in as admin my weblog displays an edit label below each post that I can click to start editing that post!
Other things I found out I didn’t like about TypePad:
- An improved editor generated this html when uploading images:
<a style=”DISPLAY: inline” href=”http://kleymeyer.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83455ac0969e200e553d1bd918833-pi”><img class=”at-xid-6a00d83455ac0969e200e553d1bd918833 ” title=”Gow” src=”http://kleymeyer.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83455ac0969e200e553d1bd918833-800wi” border=”0″ alt=”Gow” /></a>