Recommended HD Render options for Sony Vegas

Recommended HD Render options for Sony Vegas

I’ve been struggling to find the best settings to use to save my edited videos.  My video camera takes 1280×720 HD footage and I edit with  Sony Vegas.  There are many formats to choose from and I want  a balance of low disk usage and high quality.  I  found this post and the settings recommend appear to be work well.  After selecting Sony AVC I select the “Internet 16:9 HD 30p template and verify the settings as described (except Audio  format is ACC).

File>Render As>
Save as type “Sony AVC”
Click “Custom”
Project Tab:
Video Rendering Quality: Best
Video Tab:
Format: AVC
Frame Size: Custom
Width: 1280 Height: 720
“Uncheck” Allow source to adjust frame size
Profile: Main
Entropy Encoding: CABAC

“Uncheck” Allow source to adjust frame rate
Field Order: None (Progressive)
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0000
Bitrate (bps): I recommend anywhere from 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 for Vimeo. Only go below for longer videos.

Audio Tab:
Format: AVC
Sample Rate: 48,000 Hz
Bit Rate: 128,000

System Tab:
Format: MP4

RESULT: quality indistinguishable from the original. and if you wanna push it even further, add a ‘light shrapening’ effect to your footage, and the outcome will be EVEN BETTER than your original MTS file quality.

SIZE you ask? between 45 to 60% of the original MTS size.

The output format is the perfectly universal and usable MP4.

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