Raylight for Mac Update

Raylight for Mac Update

The Mac update for Raylight has now been released.  This is the program I cut my teeth on Cocoa with.  DVFilm is all about improving the workflow of post production video editing.  I worked on adding MXF support to Raylight.  MXF stands for “Media Exchange Format” which is a popular format used by cameras including the Panasonic HVX200 hand-held, high-definition camera.  The camera uses P2 Cards to store video. P2 cards are solid state flash memory packaged as PCMCIA cards.  Raylight is actually a set of tools that includes a decoder and plugins for video editing software such as Final Cut Pro for Mac and Sony Vegas & Adobe Premier on the Mac.

Our website describes it his way:

  • Raylight for Mac puts MXF files from the P2 Card straight into Final Cut Pro!
  • It allows instant, direct editing of MXF files in FCP, or any video application on the Mac.
  • It turns the Quicktime Player and FCP into a P2 Card Viewer.
  • View Metadata in the first or second frame of every clip Automatically name and organize clips based on Metadata.
  • New with 2.0: Export Quicktimes from FCP and make a P2 Card!
  • It allows instant, direct editing of MXF files in FCP, or any video application on the Mac

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