MSN Desktop Search

MSN Desktop Search

I recently replaced Google Desktop search with MSN Desktop Search on my computer.
I like the ability to create shortcuts to launch various files, programs and sites.

Help with Desktop Search
Help with Deskbar Shortcuts

Your deskbar shortcuts are stored in the MsnDeskbarShortcuts.ini file. This file is located in the C:\Documents and Settings\username\application data\MSN Search Toolbar folder.

Here is a collection of shortcuts for the MSN Deskbar
And some more collecections
Inside Secrets of MSN Desktop Search

Here is how to reduce the space taken up by the MSN  Deskbar toolbar.
A  Summary:

Find this folder in your registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSN Apps\DB

add a DWORD value with the name of "Buttons" and change the value of
"Buttons" to "1". On your toolbar, uncheck the MSN Deskbar to clear it
from your toolbar then re-check it to add it again without the button.


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