Habits of highly productive computer users

Habits of highly productive computer users

   1. Use an RSS reader as a way to efficiently find information  of interest to you without having to navigate the web or re-visit websites.  It’s a "push" technology that comes to you rather than the hit-and-miss method of "checking-in" at websites of interest to you, or having to constantly "Goggle" for new stuff.

   2. Use Microsoft’s MSN Desktop Search.  I know there are others like Google’s Desktop Search, but the built-in "shortcut manager" built in to the MSN Desktop Search is very powerful and can improve your PC desktop experience dramatically.

   3. Use a tabbed browser.  If you are online at least a few hours a day or use Google and constantly follow result links to find just the right page, then a tabbed browser will make you more productive.

   4. Use email effectively, expecially if you are part of a mailing list, read this article to learn how: "Tips for mastering email overload"

3 thoughts on “Habits of highly productive computer users

  1. From Yahoo Group:

    Ok, so sometimes I skim these articles and read them in detail later, so excuse me while I refer to a fairly old message. Alan, thanks for posting these resources. I’ve often thought about installing a desktop search tool. I’ve seen people suggest Google desktop and then someone else suggest that it had security flaws. Here is an interesting, albeit a little old, article . They mention that MSN is coming out with a search tool but it wasn’t available at the time. So, considering this article, do you (or anyone else, for that matter) have any knowledge or comments about the relative security of Microsoft’s desktop search tool? I’d really like to install one but as it is I feel like we have so little privacy, I’d hate to use something that compromised it further. Based on the article, it seems like Copernic might be a good bet. Is anyone using it now?

    Looking forward to hearing people’s thoughts. Thanks!


  2. From Yahoo Group:

    Well …security is an issue everyone must take into consideration these days. No doubt about it. But as the old adage says, “don’t believe everything you read”. It’s practically trival to tell Google Desktop search to NOT index secure pages on your computer. It’s a simple change to make during the installation process.

    Does not locking your door at home when you leave mean your house has a security flaw – that’s a choice you made right. Decide to include or not include secure pages with Google’s Desktop Tool is a choice you make – or at least that’s the way I see it.

    And even if it did, if you’re the only one that uses your computer, what differences does that make (assuming you have control of your backups).

    I have not used Copernic’s tool so I cannot comment on it. My hunch is, that article is a Corpernic plant.


  3. I agree with Tom. The article also mentioned that having one location (where ever the desktop search tools keep their ‘database’ of information) is a hacker’s dream. My feeling is that you can be so secure concious that you make your computer extremely difficult to use.

    If a hacker has breached your computer what happens next seems of secondary concern. To continue Tom’s analogy, if a burgler has broken into your home, there isn’t a whole lot you can do to protect all your valuables. I try to concentrate on the first line of defense. Use a firewall, use secure passwords, use a login screen to access your computer.

    I actually do hide my wallet, keys, cash when I go on vaction but there is no gaurantee that someone motivated enough wouldn’t find that along with property left out in the open.

    If you’re concerned with people finding private information once they have breached your computer and are looking at your files, the game is kinda over at that point. At least for the professional computer “criminal”.

    I actually try to make it a habit to do an extra level of security with my files and information. I might not name files ImportantPersonalInformation.txt (perhaps I would use IPI.txt) or I don’t save certain files in “My Documents”. If I make notes in files with passwords or SS# I try not to label them as such in the files. You get the idea.

    If you feel strongly about security than I actually recommend the advice from Marilyn of Parade Magazine fame. She advises owning two computers and storing personal information on the one with no internet access!

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