Fifty-nine deceits in Fahrenheit 911
A rebuttal to Fahrenheit-911
More rebuttals
A rebuttal to Fahrenheit-911
More rebuttals
Last month, two young genteman from the National Democratic Party came soliciting at my door. I’m normally a bear towards solicitors with very little patience. I gave them a quick minute to state their case. They offered to inform me of all the lies that President Bush was guilty of in addition to other items I can’t remember. I immediately told them that I am interested in electing a president not firing one. If they had something to share about an alternate candidate, I would be interested in what they had to say. Interestingly, they didn’t and walked away! Interesting how what people don’t say, sometimes says more than what they do say.
Nightline plans to dedicate their entire show this Friday to showing pictures, and reading the names, of the men and women from the armed forces who have been killed in combat in Iraq. I resent this and sent this following email:
I do not plan to tune in to this friday’s episode titled “The Fallen”.
As a matter of fact I resent your broadcasting it.
Doing so, without presenting the basis and context of why they died is very one-sided.
I don’t understand why ABC would continue to almost daily report dead counts. At what number should the US pull out of IRAQ? That seems to be your implied question. Whether intended or not, I believe this shows a bias by the newsmedia to concentrate on the bad side of War. Why would anyone support it given the unbalanced coverage?
Why not dedicate a show monthly to list all public service deaths? Is a soldier’s life worth more than a policeman’s? What about all the military deaths outside of Iraq and Afghanistan? Why not list the deaths of innocent people in the USA that are cut down by crime every day? Why aren’t they worth a mention?
Our society and particularly the news media seems to promote sensationism and helps create inequities when it comes to putting a value on someone’s life.
Quoticus, a nonprofit, provides:
“a video library of speeches, interviews, and debates conducted by prominent public figures, and make it accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. We also provide carefully reviewed text transcripts linked to each piece of video; convenient, simple-to-use search tools that let journalists and Web loggers find the videos of the events they are writing about; and convenient tools that let them link their articles to these transcripts and videos.”I hope these guys can pull it off. A valuable service if they can.
Neighbor Search can tell you who’s giving, who’s getting and how much. [Via Dan Gillmer]
“The terrorist enemy holds no territory, defends no population, is unconstrained by rules of warfare, and respects no law of morality. Such an enemy cannot be deterred, contained, appeased, or negotiated with. It can only be destroyed – and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the business at hand”
in twelve months… Saddam went from palace, to bunker, to spider hole, to jail
“Maybe the Socialists will get our troops out of Iraq, and Al Qaeda will forget about Spain, so we will be less frightened.” -A Spanish person who changed his vote at the last second’