“Cannot connect to itunes store” “Invalid argument”

“Cannot connect to itunes store” “Invalid argument”

Kristen’s iPod Touch started acting up when attempting to go to the iPod store.  The following message would appear:

“Cannot connect to itunes store” “Invalid argument”

Suggested actions from the Internet included rebooting the router or simply Renewing Lease in the iPod Wi-Fi settings (Settings…Wi-Fi…NetworkName…[Right Arrow button]…scroll down and select Renew Lease)

The IP address should begin with 192.168 but if it begins with 169.254 this indicates it doesn’t have a good IP address.

Finally, I did a cold boot (held down the power button for several seconds) . This seemed to help in reassigning a good IP address.  I’m guessing Renew Lease would normally work.

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